AllAllMiscPublicationsRCCF LessonsReportsStatements ECFC 2021 Annual Report PDFMay 12, 2022As ECFC celebrates 30 years, we reflect on our collective strength as a collaborative, and our focus on the most pressing issues facing families: relieving the economic and social and emotional pressures induced by the pandemic; creating sustainable improvements to family circumstances; and dismantling the effects of systemic racism. RCCF 2021 Annual Report PDFMar 31, 2022EXPANDING EQUITY IN CHILDCARE A Look At Our Community Organizers -The Raising Child Care Fund (RCCF) is proud to release our 2021 Annual Report highlighting key achievements and lessons learned from our journey this past year. Since 2019, we have worked in a rapidly changing context alongside our grantee partners – now 16 organizations in 14 states and the District of Columbia – who lift voices, build power and expand equity in demanding and creating solutions to the growing child care crisis. ECFC Statement on Full Funding for Early Care and Education Programs PDFSep 28, 2021ECFC joins the call for bigger and bolder investments toward a fully funded, affordable, accessible, and high-quality early care and education system for all young children; and for American Rescue Fund plans to be made permanent to not only address an immediate crisis, but support transformative change to reform the early care and education system. Raising Child Care Fund Fact Sheet PDFSep 09, 2021RCCF pools and shift private foundation dollars to grassroots organizations working alongside families and early educators in centers and homes to build their power and move the child care system to promote racial, gender, and economic equity. Championing Equity – A Toolkit for Funders Interested in Investing in Immigrant Children and Other Bilingual or Multilingual Children LinkJul 20, 2021ECFC toolkit for EC funders full of practical strategies for getting started, tips on where to find relevant data to inform your decisions, and stories to inspire you from champions in the early childhood funder community. ECFC 2020 Annual Report PDFJul 14, 2021A year of extensive virtual programming, as we strengthened our racial equity focus and dedication to lifting up authentic and grassroots voices, and expanded our network of funder and philanthropic partners to the needs of our grantmaking communities during the pandemic. 5 Tips for State Funders: Partnering with Government for Strategic Use of Federal Relief Funds for Early Childhood PDFJun 17, 2021A compilation of tips and top ideas from experienced state funders and the ECFC American Rescue Plan Workgroup. ECFC Memo to EC Funders on Opportunities to Support ARP Implementation PDFJun 03, 2021Describes the current situation, a framework for foundations to support change, and ECFC activities. Building Power in the Midst of a National Crisis PDFMar 15, 2021Raising Child Care Fund grantees respond to inequity in access to the child care in the midst of the pandemic. ECFC Statement on Relief for Children, Families and Early Care and Learning PDFAug 04, 2020ECFC urges policymakers to sustain America’s commitment to children and families by working to keep income flowing to families and ensure that they have access to food, housing, paid family and sick leave, and health coverage. ECFC Statement: Standing with Black Children and Families PDFJun 02, 2020As a philanthropic network focused on ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive, ECFC is committed to improving the wellbeing of our children and their families and being a catalyst to solve social problems, and naming and centering racial equity, and a commitment to Black children and families, in our analyses and investments. Acting Boldly in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic PDFMay 24, 2020Grassroots organizations funded by the Raising Child Care Fund pivot to online strategies during the pandemic to replace their traditional face-to-face work, as well as offer or connect their members to resources. 123 Load More