RCCF Partners in the News

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The Raising Child Care Fund is an initiative of ECFC that pools private foundation dollars to give grants to groups that lift up the voices of families, early educators, and allies—working alongside them to build powerful coalitions to transform child care and expand equity.

RCCF Partners In the News

This Pooled Fund is Driving Progress for Early Care and Confronting a Possible Setback in DC.

SPACEs In Action Executive Director, LaDon Love, and Raising Child Care Fund Director, Rachel Schumacher spoke to Inside Philanthropy about what’s happening in DC and the Day Without Child Care.

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Opinion: DC Shouldn’t balance its budget on the backs of our babies

SPACEs In Action Executive Director, LaDon Love calls out DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s proposal to cut child care programs as harmful to our children and reinforcing the idea that child care providers do not deserve fair compensation.

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National Day Without Child Care: Black Providers, Parents Explain Urgency Of The Moment

RCCF Grantees from Alabama, California, DC and West Virginia share reflections in this NewsOne article about why the urgency of the child care crisis in their states.

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Children and advocates rally on Ohio Statehouse steps for National Day Without Child Care

More than 350 people — including parents, kids, and providers — flooded the Ohio state capitol in Columbus demanding funding for a more equitable child care system. The rally was organized by The CEO Project, a division of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative.

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“We’re in a child care desert’: Oregon child care providers gather for national “Day Without Child Care”

Family Forward Oregon joined nearly 20 child care providers in seven cities across Oregon, gathered to raise awareness about what they’re calling a child care crisis.

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Byron child care workers share industry concerns on National Day Without Child Care

Kids Count On Us, a statewide coalition of community-based childcare providers, teachers, and families built by ISAIAH led advocates in rallying with state senators, marching through the capitol building, and meeting with Governor Tim Walz to discuss their funding demands.

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Guest opinion: Alabama must value children and families enough to invest in child care

At the Alabama Institute for Social Justice, we believe that with targeted, systematic shifts in how we treat child care, we can expand access to more parents while also valuing the work that Black women do as they care for other families’ children. – Lenice…

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Child Care Providers Reveal Empty Promises, False Narrative from Alabama Department of Human Resources

“We know the market rate survey is a failed tool. It does not get to the true cost of child care, and it creates a schism in the system as to who gets certain rates,” said Lenice Emanuel, Executive Director of the Alabama Institute for Social Justice….

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Government shutdown averted for now

A SPACEs In Action displays a banner reading “Congress Doing Your Job: No Government Shutdown” near the U.S. Capitol building on September 29, 2023 in Washington, DC.  

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