Rattle the Windows (in partnership with MomsRising)

Rattle the Windows

Grantee Partner Since:

Triadelphia, WV

Focus Area:
Economic Justice and Equity on Child Tax Credit, Child Care, and Paid Leave


To partner with West Virginian communities to support grassroot movement building through Rattle the Windows to ramp up a child care-focused educational campaign that informs national and state policy and builds parent power in the state.

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The main focus of this grant year has been a lot of hard work to lift voices to try to impact the federal discussion on Build Back Better while continuing to be responsive to local work. Given the importance of Senator Manchin in the negotiations, several actions and letter writing campaigns focused on educating him about the importance of investing federal dollars in child care for West Virginians. They also talked to the media about the impact of the Child Tax Credit on families in the state with low earnings. Amy Jo has grown and nurtured a group of mothers called the MamaBears. With help from MomsRising, this group and Amy Jo organized to send 2000 postcards handwritten by WV moms into Manchin’s and Capito’s offices and 7,650 phone calls.

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