—  ECFC Events  —
Grassroots Early Childhood Organizers Making Headway in Tumultuous Times
This event was held on March 31, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
We had the opportunity to learn from community organizers who work alongside parents and early educators across the country to make transformative changes in child care.
Since 2019, our Raising Child Care Fund project has raised and distributed close to $8 million from national and local funders to groups that lift voices, build power, and increase equity. This session will be an opportunity to learn how our grantee partners are centering lived experiences in advocacy to use federal relief funds to make child care systems work better for families and raise pay for early educators. We will explore how to be better philanthropic partners in this work as well as grow coalitions critical to making social change.
We were joined by:
- Mary Ignatius, Parent Voices CA
- LaDon Love; Spaces in Action (DC)
- Ashley Shelton, Power Coalition for Equity & Justive (LA)
- Amy Jo Hutchinson, Moms Rising WV (Rattle the Windows).
A few fun facts about our grassroots organizers joining our call:
- Mary was featured on NBC News’ #31DaysofFeminism
- LaDon has been leading the charge in DC both on the streets and featured on several webinars advocating for childcare in our country!
- Ashley has been on the front lines of disaster relief of the needs of families ever since Hurricane Katrina in LA and continues to lift up Black Voices and fight against inequities in their state.
- Amy Jo was on the Jon Stewart show talking about the importance of childcare!