Care is Fundamental: How Funders Can Accelerate Vital Progress on Caregiving (2024)

Care is Fundamental: How Funders Can Accelerate Vital Progress on Caregiving (2024)

Caregiving – an essential public health issue that will touch all our lives sooner or later – is highly relevant to funders working on aging, as well as economic security, social justice, public policy, healthcare, workforce, immigration, children and families, and disability. This guide from Grantmakers in Aging and the Family Caregiving Funders Community outlines the wide range of grant-funded efforts to support both family caregivers and the paid direct care workforce, opportunities for funders to get involved, and other sectors also now focusing on caregiving, including media and entertainment, venture philanthropists and venture capitalists, grassroots advocates, and policymakers.

Categories: Care Economy, Funder Tool
Author: Family Caregiving Funders Community, Grantmakers in Aging
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