Child Care Advocacy in a Post-COVID World – Funder Series

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Co-hosted by ECFC, The Robins FoundationSave The Children Action Network


The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the vital importance but extreme fragility of the nation’s child care policies, including those in Virginia. Our best case scenario cannot be returning to the failed and broken child care system that existed before the world ever heard of coronavirus. This is the time to set course for a different future, one where all of Virginia’s children and families – and those in other states as well – have the opportunity to thrive.

This webinar series was designed to spark new, transformative thinking for the Commonwealth and the nation.

May 18, 2021 – A Different Kind of Vision

Event #1 in this series explored the $10 A Day child care plan from British Columbia. Advocates in B.C. have been able to secure major commitments from elected leaders, including in 2018 more than $1 Billion in new funding over three years to increase access, boost educator wages, and reduce parent fees.  $10 a Day organizers Sharon Gregson and Lynell Anderson shared the story of this bold, innovative plan and lessons that can be learned from the campaign.

May 26, 2021 –  A Different Kind of Strategy

Event #2 in this series explored different advocacy strategies that successful organizations around the nation have utilized in advancing innovative child care policies.  Featured state examples: CA, VT, NV.

June 1, 2021 – Lessons from Different Fields

Event #3 in this series explored lessons that child care advocates can learn from successful statewide advocacy campaigns in other fields. Featured examples included: Moms Demand Action-Richmond;  New Virginia Majority, National Domestic Workers Alliance; and Sierra Club Virginia Chapter.

Photo credit: CovidinChildCare

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