Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative (in partnership with Springboard to Opportunities)


Grantee Partner Since:

Biloxi, MS

Focus Area:
Affordable Childcare and Fair Wages


The Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative (MLICCI) is a statewide non-profit public policy advocacy organization working to strengthen women’s economic security in Mississippi by making child care affordable for low-income working moms, achieving gender and racial equity in the workforce and making the safety net work for women.

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MLICCI works to improve women’s economic security in Mississippi by making child care affordable for low-income working moms, achieving gender and racial equity in the workforce and making the safety net work for women. We know that single moms need jobs that pay higher wages and affordable child care that supports work. That’s why we’ve launched the Employment Equity for Single Moms (EESM) project to help single mothers in Mississippi find the education, training and resources they need to find higher-paying jobs in their local area. We also offer child care so that the moms in our program can go to school or job training and know that their children are well cared for.

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